+64 22 531 0077

Meet Team TAS

The company was founded by Mark Boyle, Vili Pepa and Evert Ehlers in 2019. The management team have a combined experience of more than 50 years in the scaffolding and service industry. The team is leading the company to deliver safe and reliable scaffolding, the professional way, always prepared to go the extra mile.

TAS have a professional team of fully qualified scaffold builders that are passionate about their craft and offer a wide range of experience that can tackle any problems, when it occurs, for all trades.

Health and safety are of utmost importance to team TAS. We are registered at Sitewise and are sending staff on health and safety training at an ongoing basis to keep them up to date.  


Health and Safety

Team TAS is fully committed to keep not only our workers, but all people on site, safe at all times. Management , with the rest of the team, is striving to improve Health and Safety systems and procedures, meeting and exceeding industry standards. We are proud to have Green Status with Sitewise and our team are continuously improving our knowledge and skills by completing ongoing Sitesafe courses, which we are proudly a member of.

We'll meet you at your place

Just give us a call  or send an email to schedule a meeting, whether on site or at your office. Building a personal relationship with our customers is what it's all about for team TAS, all starting with that very first meeting...